Make a Mood Meter

make a mood meter - child activity
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Teach your child to make their own mood meter to check in with how they are feeling and recognize when they are upset and when others are upset. 

Resources and Materials:


  1. Talk to your child about different emotions. Ask them to name as many emotions as they can think of.
  2. List all of the different emotions next to the different faces/emotions on your At-Home Mood Meters worksheet.
  3. Explain that everyone experiences different emotions on different days. Help them understand that there are no “good” or “bad” emotions.
  4. Explain that we can check in with how we are feeling using a mood meter and that they will be creating their own mood meter to use as a tool to see how they are feeling in any given moment.
  5. Work with your child to complete the At-Home Mood Meters worksheet and create their mood meter.
  6. After creating the mood meter, brainstorm with your child about when they might take time to use the mood meter. Then ask where they would like to keep it at home. Ask your child to consider how the mood meter could help them sort through their emotions.
  7. Finally, have your child use the mood meter to share how they are feeling right now.


Source: New York Department of Education

Additional Tips & Activities