Belle Liang, Ph.D.

Belle Liang, Ph.D., is Associate Professor at the Lynch School of Education in Counseling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology at Boston College. Her research focuses on relational health, especially youth mentoring relationships. Her work has implications for psychologists, educators, parents, researchers, and policy-makers. Liang’s research has been funded by the Collaborative Fellows Grant, the Robert S. and Grace Stone Foundation, and the Center for Research on Girls, including the development of an instrument of relationship qualities called the Relational Health Indices, and a longitudinal study on girls’ development called 21st Century Athenas: Aligning Achievement and Well-Being. She has also received the Boston College Academic Technology Innovation Grant for the development of an award-winning website for international youth outreach.
Liang is the author of numerous chapters and articles and has published in leading journals including Psychology of Women Quarterly, American Journal of Community Psychology, The Counseling Psychologist, Journal of Adolescence, and Journal of Vocational Behavior.
She has been an invited member of a number of national committees for youth mentoring policy including the MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership Research and Policy Council and the National Cadre of Mentoring Researchers. For innovations in social justice intervention and research, she has received honors such as a Distinguished Alumni Award from Indiana University; the Boston College Teaching with New Media Award; the Many Faces of Counseling Psychology Award; the APA Fellow Award of Division 17; and nominations for two SPSSI Teaching and Mentoring Awards.