Mental Health

Although attending to mental health might seem outside the scope of a whole body education, the mind is, after all, inseparable from the body. And the state of one’s mental health has a profound impact on one’s physical health. 

The World Health Organization defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.”

Avoidance of Risky Behaviors

Avoiding risky behaviors is especially important during adolescence, a time during which people generally take more un-calculated risks. Substance use, risky sexual behaviors and delinquency are the most common manifestations of risky behavior. Research shows that peers can increase risk-taking during adolescence, while parents can serve as a protective factor against risk-taking, particularly substance use.

Physical Health Maintenance & Hygiene

Physical health and maintenance includes hygiene, nutrition, physical activity, regular check-ups, and sleep. Parents can exert major influence over their children’s health maintenance, even into adolescence.

Hygiene is the most basic forms of physical cleanliness, including good hand-washing habits.

Healthy Relationships

Research shows that young people benefit physically and mentally from healthy relationships with family, peers, and adult mentors other than parents. 

Daily Living Skills / Self Care

Daily living/self-care skills include basics like cooking, cleaning, laundry, and household chores. Such skills are eminently teachable, and research shows that young people enrolled in youth development programs frequently develop strong skills in this domain.

Responsibility / Accountability

Responsibility/accountability among high-functioning people is turned both inward and outward. When turned inward it’s called personal responsibility and encompasses many of the daily living/self-care skills described above. When turned outward it becomes social responsibility – caring for the greater whole. Studies have shown that youth development organizations like 4H develop personal and social responsibility in young children and adolescents.

Vocational Skills

We define vocational skills as those that enhance one’s success in the world of work. These include a variety of tangible, marketable skills, teamwork and self-motivation. Once again, research demonstrates that participation in youth development programs, as well as in career education classes, measurable increases youths’ vocational skills. 

Financial Literacy & Behaviors

Financial literacy and behaviors help young people discern financial choices, plan rationally for the future, respond competently to life events that affect everyday financial events, and discuss money and financial issues without (or despite) discomfort. Parent financial behaviors, work experiences while in school, and formal education and training in these areas all have major impacts on children’s financial behaviors as adults. 

Healthy Behaviors

Healthy behaviors include forging and maintaining healthy relationships, monitoring physical health, avoiding risky behaviors, and attending to mental health.

Life Skills

Healthy behaviors include forging and maintaining healthy relationships, monitoring physical health, avoiding risky behaviors, and attending to mental health.